There has been a heat wave in an already warm country. I can safely say, if laws allowed them to go out in public in their underwear, people would.
Even in the center of Malaysia it has been hot waves of hot air, not necessarily caused by direct sunlight, but the air around us is definitely hot. I am sitting here in the office, a non-air conditioned office, wiping sweat off my forehead every 15 seconds. I may or not be in my boxers shirtless, but I will just leave that to your imagination if that's the case, (imagine me couple of years back eh, if imagine me now maybe you'll start vomitting on top of the headache caused by the heat..haha)
Anyhoo, if there are still anyone else but my self indulgent self reading this post, my confirmation letter to graduate arrived a couple of weeks ago to my relief. I have always been paranoid that I counted my credits wrong, and actually I didn't graduate, and have to be a student again...oh the horror!!. On that note, I will be flying back to New Zealand for my graduation ceremony on the 7th of May. Will have to plan a road trip route soon to take Mak ans Kak Yang around NZ.
I am enjoying my life post-study, even with the impossible clients, the unresponsive printers, and increasing weight. My life has definitely shifted mentally, and alhamdulillah, it has been a good transition so far. Again, FLOW is up and running, and pray that I don't lose my determination in pursuing my dreams, that I do my best, and will never neglect my responsibilities as a muslim. Amin.
I am waiting anxiously for my car to arrive, without seeming too anxious to my friends and family, but I am!. Just want to give mak her car back, so she's not bored at home all the time. Insyallah, soon...please Michelle (salesperson of the showroom), within the next 2 weeks...
This has been good. I will write more.