Thursday, July 05, 2007

BERSATU 07 : Day 1

The day began early for me and Razif. as we were appointed drivers for the morning, and had to send the girls to thier netball venue Villa Maria College an hour earlier than the game time, because Elun wanted to warm up before thier
match started. So at 8 AM, sent the girls to Villa Maria, wished them luck, and returned to X-Base to pick up the rest for our Takraw and Basketball at the University Rec Center. Reached the rec center, parked, got out...and just when I wanted to lock the car, Hafezz came running, "Shah ! Jom, drive aku balik X-Base, aku tertinggal tag". I obliged, and rushed back to the backpackers, he ran up, then came back down cursing himself. Turned out it was in his jacket pocket all along. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or smack him. Haha. So, back to the rec center, parked, and went to the takraw court (which was the badminton court, with a circle in the middle made with tape).

I got ready, and kicked around the takraw ball with the boys. A few minutes later. the match started. Ezim, Hafezz and Is played first, with me and Razif as subs. I have never played takraw before, and registered because no one else wanted to. I ended up not playing takraw at all that day because we actually had a chance to win and I wasn't ready to botch that up. So first match was against PETUNIA. Cute name huh? but they ended up being one of the most trash talking, annoying contingent of all throughout the games. Anyway, MUMSA ended up winning the match in a rubber set, which was actually the first team event win for MUMSA ever. Meanwhile, our were next in line for Basketball next door in the basketball court. We were going to have clashes between the two sports starting next game.

First basketball match was against PETSOC, who were favourites coming into the games, as they had a star player from last years game, and a new star player who Hafezz says was the MVP in MCKK for basketball. So our chances was thin to none, and PETSOC didn't dissapoint. They murdered us 37-0, and later it was known that was a record score. It didn't help that Hafezz, our only hope had to leave for the takraw match. Next takraw match was against WMSO, which we lost 2-0. Then came the next basketball game, against WMSO as well. We did a wee bit better, at least scoring, and we celebrated like we won when Ezim, shot a three pointer. Hhahahah....the crowd went wild, we went wild, we lost, but at least we lost with style. Then back to takraw, for the match against Otago. It was a good match. Went into a rubber set, but lost in the end. Then back to basketball against UMSA, the team from Auckland. They meant business. We put in Elun in, because apart from Hafezz, she was our best shooter. So we were on our way to getting trashed again, when just before the half time buzzer, Safwan had the ball at half court. and Hafezz said to him "shoot jer", and he did...the ball went up, went down, and into the basket, swish.....the crowd went wiiilllldd!!.. including me. Celebrated like we won the tounament. Hahahah. MUMSA oh MUMSA, gaya mesti ader. Nearing the end of the second half, Elun scored as well, resulting in the crowd going wild as well, as the only girl to score a basket in the tournament. The match ended in a landslide win again. But we certainly will be the team people remember.

So that was the end of day 1. We lost all events, but made a record by winning our first team match, and providing entertainment on the basketball court.

Continued BERSATU 07 : Day 2

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