Friday, June 06, 2008

8 eight

Okay people. I was tagged by la poupres, saper entah dier. Since I am always looking for excuses to put off studying, I will layan. Anyways, 8 things, facts about myself. Oh before that, the rules? Here they are

Okay. Laying down the rules of the tagging game:

1) Semua blogger harus menyatakan peraturan-peraturan ini dahulu.

2) Setiap blogger harus mula dengan 8 fakta/amalan tentang diri mereka.

3) Blogger yang di tag hendaklah menulis tentang 8 fakta/amalan mereka itu dan menyenaraikan peraturan-peraturan ini. Seterusnya tag pula 8 orang lain.

4) Tinggalkan komen kepada mereka yang di tag memberitahu bahawa mereka di tag dan suruh mereka datang baca blog kamu.

(La Poupres, 2008)

I think the rules were in English, then she changed it to Malay, and so I just copy paste, cited, maybe not correctly but still cited ok..

So here are the eight:


I have a thing about letting people down, I don't like it. I think its because I don't handle guilt very well. So people that are pleased = no guilt for me


I still think i'm overweight even though i'm borderline not overweight. If by all randomness someone were to ask "Who's the fattest here?" I would raise my hand, even though I'm not the fattest there. This is not a joke. Haha


I am more alive in my imagination than I am in real life, which i'm trying to minimize this year. Keeping it real in the year 2008.


4. Thats my jersey number, for football, futsal. Started because of Patrick Vieira. Arsenal great, midfield general. From those few statements, I love football, the greatest sport in the world, watching, playing, being passionate because of it.


Family and friends are my lifeblood. If I call you a friend, I would literally go to the end of the world for you.


From the numbers, uno, dos, tres, you might figure I like the spanish language. Hope to learn it soon, and also hope to visit the country in the near future.


I like cooking, and flatting this year lets me do that. It doesn't work everytime, but it also means it does work sometime, which I am proud of.


I would like to think I am creative, with my writing, pictures and videos. Hopefully I am really creative at one of those things and not be a poser, and just say I am creative but not.

So, there they are, 8 facts off the top of my head, not much time because i'm not using my own laptop which is still not functioning. Sorry if the facts are useless. Haha

I am tagging:

LSG : Because he's the only one I think will do this thing..

thank you. good night


Anonymous said...

1. I still think i'm overweight

i think u're not.

2. I like cooking

wowww. when u're back, cook for me pls! hehe

oops did I just say that? said...

question:why is my stomach touching the table?
answer: because i'm boroi

Pourpres~ said...

cook! masak for me bro. Asik2 ayam champion je. Nak gak ayam gemok. Lai lai, balek meh cpat

Lutfi Belwael said...

I'll do it but after exams selesai. Dammit, now this thing will bug me for the rest of the week. 8 facts..8 facts..


and i think creativity yg disebut dlm Numero Ocho tu kau mmg ada. malah akan dipertingkatkan lagi dgn adanya sebijik camera baru. (yg masih bau kedai) walaupun malangnya xde laptop utk kerja2 mengedit. hehe

F said...

shah, ter-link blog kamu di blog guwe. tak bley undo. haha