Monday, September 15, 2008

They had the right idea

I saw this link on facebook one day, and I would think that its not just me that has tried it, but its called yearbookyourself. The results were ok, probably because I didn't have the right picture to slot in the template, but with what I had to work with, one picture caught my eye, and made me think of my Atok for the first time in a long time..

I now know why my family said I looked like my arwah tok. Aside from the hair (which he never had much of), the combination of the glasses and face shape, yeap, quite sebijik la. I need a second opinion, but i'm pretty sure of it.

I don't know if my grandparents did or did not plan to have a big family like they have today, but If they did, they had the right idea. Sometimes, if you think of it, it's impossible, with the age gap that they had, they would be able to last through the years. But again, "orang-orang" lama did what was needed, worked things out, and eventually, everything would be ok.

Opah had her 82nd birthday on Merdeka Day, and even without me and ayeng, the house looked full as always, courtesy of the "right idea" of raising a big family. She looked healthy enough, managing to smile depsite her impending illness, but again, I think seeing her son, daughters, her cucu's and cicit's around her, that would give anyone a morale/mood boost if you ask me.

Why this sudden out of place post? I don't know, something triggered it, and it has been written, so might as well publish it.....


With an err of smugness Venus cast its spell,
which made the knght aim his arrow towards the ground,.........

gotta get outta here, making me weak, making me spew out rhymes and shit...


Lutfi Belwael said...

Seriously shah, you should show your Opah that photo.

Ni pasal movie mac, nak masuk ke tak? Tak rugi kot just $10 registration.
Menang $500 split 50-50, deal? Due date 22nd Sept, not long from now.

Lutfi Belwael said...

Oh and one more thing, kau xde gambar family kau ke? Yg semua org ada. Nak gak tgk how "the right idea" turned out. :D

Shah Baharudin said...

memang nak...coz ying dok mintak kita submit.

the pictures not with me, and aku like the recent ones with cicits mmg takder, coz masa raya pun not always the same time dtg rumah opah aku. Tapi like with all the cucus, once upon a time got ah.